Bring Your Gifts to Fruition

800 x 400 mermaid greens cabbage

Would you love

to be in reciprocal relationship with Fruition?

Join us!

There are many ways to garden, many seeds to sow and many ways to share abundance.

Lewis Hyde observes, ‘the gift must stay in motion or it will perish.’ Gifts needn’t be directly or immediately received or reciprocated and Friends, we trust you profoundly to practice giving and receiving gifts in ways that transform us and the world around us.

If you’d love to gift us financial dollars:

We will most graciously receive them below. Take a peek at our Growing Gratitude Beyond Market Economy to get a sense of our needs and how we move your gifts into gifts for us all.

And Friends, if you’d love to gift

~ presence & land tending, join our upcoming events
~ material goods (mason jars, art tools & beyond), take a peek
~ other time and skills you’d love to share, let’s connect here!

social dahlia kraut

Make a Financial Gift

Thank You!

Together, we are seeds in the garden of change.

And remember:

You are enough simply to receive the gift of breath, of seed, of life.

Sunflower Transplant