If growing your own fruit and nuts sounds dreamy as well as daunting, we agree! And you’re not alone, Friends.
Fruit & Nut Growing Resources:
Fruition’s current online tree growing resources are focused on Apple Trees however Pears, Plums, Peaches, Apricots and Cherries require much the same site choice, planting, and basic care considerations. Here’s a few of our own resources (for the full list of Fruition’s Apple Growing Resources, see below!) and resources we trust:
Fruition’s (Apple) Tree Growing Guide
Fruition’s Free Organic Orcharding Course
Fruition’s pre-recorded Fruit Q & Qs Webinar Library
New England Tree Fruit Management Guide
Cornell’s Guide to Growing Fruit at Home
Cornell’s Tree Fruit Resources
all books by the late Michael Phillips
Apple Growing Resources
All resources above and…
The Holistic Orchard and The Apple Grower are fabulous books by Michael Phillips.
Books listed on The Holistic Orchard Network
A Grower’s Guide to Organic Apples from Cornell
Other Fruit & Nut Growing Resources
Elderberry: University of Vermont
Elderberry Transplant Instructions: Fruition’s Elderberries come potted. Allow your elderberry to root in the pot, keeping it well watered, until July then transplant in its final location.
Figs: Penn State Extension
Fig Transplant Instructions: Fruition’s Figs come potted. Transplant your fig tree in its final location soon after you get it home, keeping it well watered until then.
Grapes: Cornell Cooperative Extension
Mulberry: Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association
PawPaws: Cornell Cooperative Extension
Pawpaw Transplant Instructions: Some of Fruition’s Pawpaws come potted while other are bare root seedlings. Transplant your potted pawpaw trees in their final location soon after you get them home, keeping them well watered until then.
Chinese Chestnut: Arnold Arboretum
Hazelnut: CornellForestConnect
Northern Hardy Pecan: Society of Ontario Nut Growers

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Fruition’s Apple Growing Resources
For our most detailed video tutorials, hop into our free online course, Apples & Organic Orcharding. You’ll also find our step-by-step guide to tree planting (with lots of photos!) in Fruition’s free Growing Library. And dive into Fruition’s pre-recorded Fruit Q & Qs Webinar Library (questions dig deeper than answers!) where we explore the most common apple tree growing questions from our community. Here is a list of our blogs in a sweet progression to help surround you with abundance for generations to come:
Choosing Varieties:
How to Choose the Right Apple Varieties for You
The Anatomy of a Grafted Apple Tree
Trees FAQ: Much Ado About Bare Root vs Potted Trees
Where to Sample Apples on the Farm & Beyond
Tree FAQ: Common Questions about Apples
Planning & Planting:
5 Keys to Establishing an Organic Apple Orchard & 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid
6 Core Questions for Orchard Planning
Soil Testing for Trees & Orchards
Preparing in Summer & Fall for Spring Fruit Tree Planting
Caring for Bare Root Trees Upon Arrival
10 Steps for Planting a Fruit Tree
Caring for Young Trees & Beyond:
Organic Approaches to Spongy Moths in the Orchard & Garden
Trunk Protectors: Little Actions that Make a Huge Difference
Apple Growing Resources We Love
Meet Heron, Fruition’s Tree Mentor!
Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

& the whole Fruition crew

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