Cordera Apple
semi-dwarf rootstock = mature height 10-12ft | mid-season | fresh eating & storage hardy to zone 4
Brilliantly sweet and perfectly tart, gloriously juicy and easy to grow! Cordera hails from the lineage of Honeycrisp and an unnamed relative of Liberty, combining flavor and disease resistance for the ages. When we first savored Cordera in the fall of 2021, we fell in love with the bright fruit sweetness and rich aroma, the depth of flavor and the fabulous crunch. The bright rose and crimson skin shines with speckled yellow, straight out of a fairy tale.
If you’ve never heard of Cordera, you’re not alone — and not for long! We first tasted Cordera at Black Diamond Orchard, practically an apple’s throw (!) from Cornell, who we have to thank for cultivating this extraordinary new apple across many, many seasons. Formerly known as NY56, Cordera is the best of both worlds with flavors from Honeycrisp and resilience from Liberty, including resistance to apple scab and fire blight on Geneva 935 rootstock. Ideal for all who wish to spray less or not at all, Cordera also stores well into the winter and is hardy to zone 4.
Fruition’s current online tree growing resources are focused on Apple Trees (and it is also true that Pears, Plums, Peaches, Apricots and Cherries require much the same site choice, planting, and basic care considerations!) On that note, we hope you'll enjoy Fruition's free full library of Growing Trees Resources. Also recommended are all books by the late Michael Phillips and the online resources at the New England Tree Fruit Management Guide. In the meantime, enjoy more Fruition tree growing resources:
Apple Tree Growing Guide
Fruit Q&Qs pre-recorded Webinar Library
and join us for future live Fruit Q&Q webinars here!

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