Friends, rather than selling and shipping seeds, we now share seeds as an embodied gift practice. Learn how to receive seeds from us & here are our FAQs.
Impressively easy to grow and deliciously versatile, Swiss chard surrounds us with abundant greens all season from just one sowing! Chard is delicious both as baby as well as full-size leaves. Sow chard seeds directly in the soil or sow them in soil blocks anytime early spring through late summer to transplant out with one foot between plants. Tuck them under hoops and floating row cover for an even longer, sweeter harvest into winter.
Fun fact! Chard seeds often have 3 to 5 'seeds' inside, so thinning is critical for healthy, abundant plants. This is true for beets as well, since they share the same genus/species, Beta vulgaris. The good news: these thinnings are also delicious!