Friends, rather than selling and shipping seeds, we now share seeds as an embodied gift practice. Learn how to receive seeds from us & here are our FAQs.
Shallots are easy to grow and often multiply massively (often 15+ to 1!) from vegetative bulb, like our Dutch Red which are sown in fall for harvest the following summer. Grown from seed, shallots are still easy to grow as long as you start them indoors early enough. Here at Fruition, we sow our seeded shallots in March. With a flavor more rich and nuanced than classic onions and an epically long storage life, it’s hard for us to grow enough shallots here at Fruition Seeds!
Whether you’ve gardened for years or dreamed for years, we made Fruition’s Organic Garlic & Shallot Academyfree, sharing step-by-step tutorials to guide you season by season, including easy solutions to common mistakes. Enjoy!