Between our dawn and twilight skis around and behind the farm, we are getting closer to sharing how you can give and receive seeds even if you’re not able to join any of our seed gifting gatherings in person…
…and Friends, as we prepare to bring Fruition’s seed gifting practice across the Northeast, we’d love to share a little more about what to expect when you join us.
Explore our many upcoming seed gifting gatherings on our events page!
Across the fullness of each seed gift gathering, we’re going to practice giving and receiving expansively:
⭐️ as people not needing to ‘earn’ to be ‘worthy’
⭐️ as people who trust ourselves as we remember each other
⭐️ as people who sow gardens for so much more than ourselves
⭐️ as people who imagine and practice cultures of care beyond consumption

And what else?
We’ll laugh, certainly. And likely shed a tear or two. We’ll share embodied practices both in play and meditation. We’ll pack seeds for ‘strangers’ because — have you received seeds packed and sealed by someone you didn’t know? Who resisted the urge to hoard seeds for themselves, who believed in the collective abundance of tomorrow?
Suddenly, there you were, receiving a packet of seeds: the generosity of a ‘stranger.’
Let’s become such ‘strangers’ packing seeds for our fellow ‘strangers’ as we together learn to

And yes, you’ll receive the gift of so many seeds! We’ve been wondering for months how to share 300+ varieties in ways that neither emulate a ‘market’ nor a ‘free’ table, and Friends, come practice giving and receiving beyond lifetimes and ledgers with us, we’ve only just begun and ohhhhhh it’s delicious:

And Friends,
thank you:
We know receiving our seeds as gifts
may be less convenient than when we sold them,
so let’s cultivate belonging and generosity together,
nourishing us all beyond calories
and convenience.

As you plan to join Fruition’s seed gifting gatherings:
Join us for the whole time!
Think of our gatherings as similar to a movie or the theater: for the full and transformational experience, arrive early and be present for the duration. Thanks for gifting us with the generosity of your full presence 💛
Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

& the Many Possibilities of Fruition