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Digger Deeper Into Transformation: Is Fruition Going Out of Business?

Friends, we know there is a lot that is confusing, exciting, concerning and beautiful about Fruition’s transformation from a market-driven business toward to a gift-inspired practice. In our Digging Deeper blogs, we’ll dive into questions we’re hearing with a little more nuance. We’ll add more to this with time, so don’t be shy!

Two Questions

Is Fruition Seeds going out of business?

Is a caterpillar a butterfly?

We love these questions and there is no single answer, they’re both:

Yes and No


On Busy-ness & Business

Are we going out of ‘busy-ness’ and market-driven ‘business’? 

Most joyfully & intentionally, yes.

Our dear friend Adam Wilson reminded us recently that the root meaning for “business” as well as busy + ness is:

“a state of being troubled or anxious; solicitude”

And ohhhhh, we are slowly unlearning both busy-ness and business, it’s true.

800 x 400 dahlia

And What of the Seeds?

Friends, we will continue to grow and share regionally adapted seeds expansively for seasons to come!

Fruition will gift seeds & so much more both here on the farm & across the Northeast as we travel with our merry seed gifting pop-up practice, hop on our email list if you haven’t already.

Fill out our survey if you’d love to explore hosting us!


Help us transform!

We’d love to work with a pro bono lawyer energized to help us establish a 501(c)3 non-profit. Thanks for spreading the word and spreading the love and if you’d love to contribute in other ways, hop over here and we love you!

Shedding Skins & Sowing New Worlds

Friends, after August 27th, when we stop selling & shipping seeds, our work will feel different for us all, especially if you’re accustomed to ordering on our website. Though receiving seeds from us may become less convenient, we’re confident our relationships will grow that much more meaning, connection & abundance for all.

800 x 400 pole bean

There’s so much more to share and oh we do and we shall!

As every seed & caterpillar teaches us:

Every end is a new beginning.

Together let’s shed skins and sow new worlds…

…and trust the world is full of gifts within and all around us.

Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

image 7

and the Many Beings of Fruition


Can you feel it?

The new world growing under our skin?


We are the seeds ~

Organic Tomato in bowl 800x800 1 edited

6 thoughts on “Digger Deeper Into Transformation: Is Fruition Going Out of Business?

  1. Thank you for this information

    Will you still have your store and sell seedlings or is that ending as well

    1. Richard, we intend to be open and offering seeds and plants as gifts. The sale of them will be ending. Please stay tuned for how you can participate and we look forward to seeing you on the farm soon.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful seeds and your commitment to Grandmother Earth. Glad you are making the transition; sad I won’t be able to get seed from you that I use in my Indigenous Garden programs for children and elders. Consider the Path for seed donations. Grandmother Flor de Mayo one of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and has a seed bank in Estancia New Mexico.

    1. Susan,
      we would be honored to send you seeds. Thank you for growing with us and with your community.

  3. Just ordered my last fish/kelp emulsion and garlic/shallot fertilizer from you! Can you recommend another source for a comparable product? I’ve grown the most beautiful garlic for the last several years, thanks to your nutritious food. I will continue to think of Fruition each April as I start my plant babies under the grow lamp I purchased from you a few years ago. Thank you for all that you’ve been, are now and will continue to be.
    💜Sarah in VT

    1. HI Sarah,
      we like Organic Gem fish and kelp emulsion. We plan to be in Vermont this winter for a seed gifting gathering and hope you will join us.

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