Friends! Country Gardens featured Fruition in their latest issue and it is gorgeous!
What I really want to share, though, is something my Mother taught me: You never know who you’re talking to, so be nice and be generous. Enjoy our video for the full story
And Friends, please do read the article, and the photographs are stunning, but my deepest wish is that we all might be a little more kind and a little more generous with our brief time together…
…and that we all might know that planting seeds is the most radical act of kindness and generosity there is.
Here are some photos of the full article:

Doing this work together is why we wake each day!
Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

and the Many Beings of Fruition

Can you imagine how many seeds lay latent in the soil beneath the snow?
We love skiing in the Adirondack high peaks in winter….!