Friends, these suppers are a gift for everyone who hungers, especially for the world we dream of…
…to express the joy of growing seed, harvesting abundance and amplifying resilience in community;
…to stand in solidarity with our kin across species who taste the grief of our time and hunger for justice:
Let us come together and eat.
Be fed.
Be nourished.
Friends, rather than a potluck, Fruition’s Joy & Solidarity suppers serve you and serve us all — the gifts of this sweet land are gifts for all beings — and together let’s practice giving and receiving as nourishment for our collective imaginations, making possible worlds we long for.

The Details
When: Stay tuned for upcoming dates for Summer 2024!
Where: Fruition Seeds, 7921 Hickory Bottom Road in Naples, New York. We’ll be walking a few hundred feet from parking to the fields to share supper. Wheelchairs are welcome! Rain location: Maxfield Memorial Park, 8181 Maxfield Road in Naples (1 mile from the farm).
Bring: Rather than a potluck, this is a practice of receiving. Simply bring your own dishes, utensils and chairs as well as optional blanket or small table. Bring your own glass to sip watermelon and honeydew smoothies! Thanks for resisting bringing alcohol to the celebration, Friends.
Ingredients Themselves: Simple & scrumptious, all the more sweet when shared! Always veggie-centric and dairy-free, the organic supper we’ll share will largely hail from Fruition, Seneca Grain and Bean and Petra’s father’s garden. There will be abundant gluten-free options and look for the full ingredient lists at the Supper. Rather than planting food specifically for these feasts, we simply grow our seeds and share the abundance surrounding us: Each supper is unique, a deep and delicious reflection of the very ephemeral moment we’ll share together.
Our menu from August 2023:
roast new potatoes with herbs + garlic
featuring new varieties of potato (baby red) + garlic (killarney)
FLX beans + greens with so many shallots
featuring red beans from Penn Yan and diverse greens from the farm, including our latest cross between mermaid’s tale cabbage and hen peck collards as well as a new variety of shallot we’re co-adapting alongside
roasted tomatillo salsa verde
featuring two varieties of tomatillo and a new variety of shallot we’re co-adapting with
melon smoothie buffet
slurp 5 different melon smoothies, including new varieties of honeydew and watermelon!
soon-to-be-named cherry tomato salad
featuring two new cherry tomatoes we’re soon to share the seed of…and help give them a name!
grilled tromboncino pesto
featuring young tromboncino squash grilled + pureed with three varieties of basil + a new variety of garlic (killarney)
five flower petal salad
featuring five delectable petals including dahlias, sunflower & guess who else?!!
mermaid’s tale sauerkraut
our eastern european ancestors rejoice
Want to Dig Deeper? If you’d love to help prepare our Joy & Solidarity Suppers, we’d love to weave this magic with you: This is how we seed community, joy and change! There are a few times we harvest & prepare the meal together and you’re welcome to join us for all, some or none of them. Stay tuned for Summer 2024 details!
Please do RSVP by sending an email to sharing when you plan to join us! If you haven’t RSVP’d and are so excited to join, just come, always ~
Want to Say Thank You? Take a deep breath and simply know you are enough, you always have been and always will be — and trust the spirit of generosity and joy will continue to spark solidarity within and around us all

Together we will remember, give thanks and grow closer to ourselves, each other, this land and our delicious, collective futures. Together we will honor our ancestors who believed in seeds and in days like these as we feast, that we too may become such wise and beloved ancestors for the generations to come.
Our Joy and Solidarity Suppers are not free as in ‘value-less,’ they are free as in Robin Wall Kimmerer: All flourishing is mutual and Fanny Lou Hammer: None of us are free until all of us are free.
The gifts of this sweet land are not ours to give or yours to receive.
Together, we share.
In Joy.
And Solidarity.
That all those that hunger may be fed, we together rise, sing and supp.
Join us, Friends!

What’s in a Name? Our Joy & Solidarity Suppers began in spring 2016 as “Strangers and Friends Feasts” shared in our home, inspired by Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem:
The Red Brocade
The Arabs used to say,
When a stranger appears at your door,
feed him for three days
before asking who he is,
where he’s come from,
where he’s headed.
That way, he’ll have strength
enough to answer.
Or, by then you’ll be
such good friends
you don’t care.
Let’s go back to that.
Rice? Pine nuts?
Here, take the red brocade pillow.
My child will serve water
to your horse.
No, I was not busy when you came!
I was not preparing to be busy.
That’s the armor everyone put on
to pretend they had a purpose
in the world.
I refuse to be claimed.
Your plate is waiting.
We will snip fresh mint
into your tea.
Resurrected in 2023 here on the farm, the name “Joy and Solidarity Supper” is a hat tip to Ross Gay’s genius generosity in Inciting Joy, celebrating the generative, disruptive and utterly liberatory relationship between grief, joy, solidarity and beloved community. We’re also profoundly grateful for the words and friendship of Adam Wilson’s Peasantry School, whose Gratitude Feasts provide both hunger and nourishment for our individual and collective re-membering in the world.
Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

& the whole Fruition Crew

Thank you for reminding me of the sacredness and sanctity of all. Inspired, as always. In love and joy-and solidarity!!! 💕Sally
I would love to come to the farm on Sunday. I love the mission and beauty of your posts. I will do my best to make it. Thank you for sharing the abundance and love in a spirit of thanksgiving. In loving kindness. Linda