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Fruition’s Living the Questions Gathering

Thank you to everyone who joined us for

Living the Questions:

Grieving, Growing & Coming to Fruition

Your presence, curiosity and care are such gifts in our lives, Friends.

Many people have written us, sharing their favorite moments were Matthew’s tearful stories as well as laughing out loud when I announced:

“We may not have answers, but we have lots of seeds!”

Truly, we have so much yet to share and Friends, don’t be daunted as we remember & reimagine what we’ve never done before, together 💛

Thank you to our beloveds Travis and Annie for recording Travis’ exquisite song Humble specifically for us to share with you all! It’s not represented well in the recording, so here is the original they recorded a few hours before this gathering, sublime:


By Travis Knapp

When I’m gone may they say i was too humble

May i say i gave too much away

May they say i gave thanks too often

For the world that taught me how to pray


When we eat we offer up a blessing

For the food and where the food came from

When i lay me down i am grateful for the day and all the days to come


When i sing i hope my words are honest

To myself and everyone who hears

May we learn to celebrate each other 

Our family both far away and near


When I’m gone may they say i was too joyful 

May they say i understood the pain 

Of everyone who struggles on this journey

And lifted up our spirits all the same 

We were so grateful to co-facilitate with our dear Friend and exquisite mentor, Adam Wilson, and if you don’t already subscribe to his Substack emails, please do: He changes our lives each week with his gorgeous writing about gifts, gratitude and how we remember together.

And Scott Chaskey! What a dream to hear these words and heart shared. Scott’s prose is poetry and his friendship, trust and affirmation are immense gifts in our lives.

Friends, we feel so held by such vast community near and far. Thank you for growing with us in all the ways and we are so here for the journey unfurling…

…together ~

Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

image 7

and the Many Beings of Fruition

800 x 400 dahlia

2 thoughts on “Fruition’s Living the Questions Gathering

  1. Dear Petra and Matthew,
    I just watched the recording. I admire you both for listening to what your hearts (and seeds) are telling you and for having the courage to take on this new journey.
    I wish I live in your vicinity so I can be part of your community.
    Hopefully someday I can visit your farm and help in any way I can.
    Sending best wishes from New Jersey…

    1. Thank you Mila,
      we look forward to the ways we can stay connected going forward.

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