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How to Pull vs Snap Scrumptious Garlic Scapes!

Did you know you can gently pull rather than snap garlic scapes, often releasing 8+ inches of tender, scrumptious scape beneath where they emerge from their leaves?

It took me lots of practice to become consistent at patiently lifting rather than snapping scapes, and perhaps there’s no better place to practice than Fruition at our annual

Garlic & Shallot Scape U-Pick

on the middle Saturday of June at 10 am where you’ll find a small ocean of garlic and shallots in various stages of scape-ness waiting to welcome and share their brilliant, delicious abundance with you!

All are welcome to this free celebration and yes, bring a bag for your scapes, comfy shoes and clothes for diverse weather possibilities as well as your family and friends, including little ones.

As you harvest, we’ll invite you share at least 1 handful of the scapes you harvest to our local food pantry…

…and if you’d love to say thank you with actions as well as words, join us weeding the garlic & encouraging the possibility of future abundance shared on the farm together 🍎

And Friends, our gatherings are gifts for us all past, present and future. In this spirit, they are not ‘free’ as in ‘value-less;’ rather, they are gifts to share and truly, gifts aren’t free:

Gifts come with the responsibility to receive the gift, to give thanks and to amplify abundance to keep the gift moving.

Aren’t plants such profound teachers? 

May we trust we, and each seed, are such gifts, as well.

Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

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& the Many Beings of Fruition


Shallot scapes are gorgeous in bouquets as well as sauteed with breakfast:

800 x 400 shallot scape

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