Each year we grow acres of organic gardens, saving countless seeds of tried-and-true varieties we love as we continue to adapt them to our short seasons, year after year. Each year we also grow dozens upon dozens of new varieties, exploring and experimenting, discovering new joys and learning ever, always.
This season we’re delighted to share seed with you of some gems we’ve found and here is a tiny taste of them all…
Organic Coming Dawn Pole Bean Seeds
Delectable diversity! A feast for our eyes as well as bellies, Coming Dawn is delicious as they look. Scrumptious abundance cascades tender beans of deep burgundy and shimmering plum as well as emerald green, brilliant yellow and purple-striped beauties, each pod curling ever so slightly at the bottom, so darling!
Organic Cornfield Poppy Seeds
Pure joy! We adore these vivid crimson petals, so soft as the sway in the breeze and Friends, as you look closer, you’ll see a remarkable ocean of diversity in the sea of blooms: Each of us, like each seeds, is unique and each seed is, as well; few seeds shine with the resplendent diversity and grace of Cornfield Poppy.
Organic Spotlight Snow Pea v.2 Seeds
What’s with the ‘v.2?’ Here’s the story!
[SOLD OUT] We’ve never seen peas quite like these (o! those vivid glossy purple pods!) and Spotlight Snow Pea v.2 is equally delectable. Easy to grow on impressively compact 2 to 3-foot plants, we love to let each sumptuous snow-style pods swell just a bit so they crunch all the more with even more sweetness.
Organic Midnight Black Hollyhock Seeds
HEIRLOOM Huge and luminous, pollinators flock to Hollyhock‘s gorgeous blooms often towering 6 feet or more as they sway in the breeze. And Friends, those silky purple-black petals are an incredible dye as well as edible!
Organic Hens & Chicks Poppy Seeds
HEIRLOOM If you think poppies are magic (they are) and succulents are darling (indeed), Hens & Chicks blossoms are the best of both worlds! The most unusual poppy we’ve ever seen, bees love to swim in the small ocean of pollen-laden anthers inside each flower!
Organic Bee-Loved Sunflower Seeds
We love each trumpeting petal, so gloriously different than any other sunflower we’ve ever seen. Bee-Loved is remarkably delicious, as well! Each flower on swaying 6 to 7 foot spires is unique, just like each of us, and many of the abundant secondary stems are long and strong, perfect for bouquets. The bees will be just as delighted as you are!

Organic True Magenta Chard Seeds
True Magenta Chard’s broad succulent stems glow as if picked from the sky’s fertile cloud fields only revealed by sunrise & sunset. Newly released in 2023 to spark your imagination, True Magenta Chard is the result of over a decade of vibrant, collaborative Organic breeding and selection by Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) with allied market farmers and seed growers.
Organic Baby Red Seed Potato
With brilliant burgundy skin and luscious red flesh, Baby Red is easy to grow and you’ll enjoy an abundance of scrumptious baby potatoes no matter when you harvest, since they generally grow no larger than a golf ball. Our friend John grows lots of potatoes and appreciates Baby Red for their resilience in drought and heat as well as ‘excellent flavor, cook them any way you like!’ Indeed, if you’re into nutrients (anthocyanins hooray!) as well as flavor, organic Baby Red potatoes will be one of your new favorite potatoes, too.
~ explore all our organic seed potatoes here ~
Organic Hungarian Blue Poppy Seeds
HEIRLOOM We love these luminescent plum petals full of pollen (and pollinators!) becoming huge seedheads filling of thousands of rich, delicious dark blue poppy seeds. If you love to feed pollinators as well as yourself, Hungarian Blue will nourish us all all for generations to come.
Organic Peking Ta Ching Kao Greens
HEIRLOOM If you like broccoli raab and wish it were easier to grow, you’ll love Peking‘s scrumptious leaves as well as tender, succulent stems! Perfect for spring, fall & winter sowing, we love Peking Ta Ching Kao as young 16″ to 24″ tall greens and stems. As they grow larger, we harvest full-size leaves to savor in all the many ways we enjoy kale, collards and chard.
Organic Short Stuff Sunflower Seeds
Just 2.5 feet tall, Short Stuff is absolutely the most compact sunflower we’ve ever seen! Large 8-inch heads float above massive, heart-shaped leaves. And! Sunflower petals are edible! Just imagine your salads next summer…
Texas Plume Summer Sherbet Celosia Seed
So easy to grow and lusciously abundant, we love Summer Sherbet‘s sumptuous blend of apricot, rose and yellow peach blooms on long, strong stems fabulous for fresh bouquets with a 2+ week vase life as well as dry bouquets, boutonnieres and garlic braids and wreaths. We can’t wait to see how you weave Texas Plume Summer Sherbet celosia into all the seasons!
Organic Giant Red, Yellow & Coral Zinnia Seeds
We love zinnias and here are three more luscious colors for you, Friends! Fully double dahlia-style blooms, there’s Benary’s Giant Coral, Red and Yellow, each magical as single colors and glorious together.

Organic Cardoon Seed
HEIRLOOM If you like artichoke hearts, you will love cardoons! Much easier to grow than artichokes in our short seasons, each massive leaf stalk (below) melts in your mouth like an artichoke heart:

Though we’ve successfully grown artichokes here for years, once we tasted how divine cardoons were and how much easier they are to grow, there’s no going back…!
Organic Valerian Herb Seeds
A deeply medicinal hardy perennial, Valerian is beloved by people and pollinators alike. And who knew? Cats are equally delighted by freshly dug Valarian root and catnip…now you know!
Organic St John’s Wort Seed
Beloved for rebuilding nerves and accompanying depression, Saint John’s Wort thrives even in challenging conditions as a hardy perennial nourishing the soil as well as pollinators.
Organic Noir Long Turnip Seed
HEIRLOOM By far the sweetest, most creamy storage turnip we’ve ever tasted, don’t be fooled: Noir Long is one of our favorite vegetables of all time! Beloved in France since the 19th Century, peel the skin of Noir Long Turnip for luscious snow white snack all winter long.
Organic Purple Muse Millet Seed
If you love purple plants that are beautiful as well as hard to kill (lol!), you and Purple Muse Millet will be fast friends! Brilliant purple seed stalks emerge from deep burgundy leaves, many stalks from each seed, swaying in the breeze with long, strong stems perfect for bouquets. As organic Purple Muse Millet seeds mature, goldfinches will flock to your garden (they’re delicious for humxns, as well!) and if you’d love to save a few seeds to share with your friends for the seasons to come, there’s plenty of abundance for all.
Japanese Negi Bunching Onion / Scallion Seeds
HEIRLOOM These scrumptious Negi onions are bunching onions, most commonly grown in the US as scallions. A delicacy in Japan where they’re hilled like leeks and grown 6+ months, allowing their flavors to deepen. Grill them, oh grill them! Just like scallions, Negi onions are perennial here in Zone 5 (hooray!) and ours have been thriving for years here at the farm. They’re such a sweet spring treat to harvest the first of them as the snows melt!
Organic Biquinho Yellow Sweet Pepper Seeds
HEIRLOOM When we met the glossy gems of Biquinho (bee-KEE-nyo) pepper, we were instantly over the moon! So fun, so abundant and just *so* delicious, Biquinho resists the binary of ‘hot’ pepper vs ‘sweet,’ bringing a wave of floral, tropical fruit flavors with a tinge of heat arriving with the sweetness, dissipating as quickly as it arrives. Beloved in Brazil and Peru, Biquinho translates to ‘Little Beak’ where they are savored both fresh as well as pickled. (We share both a red and yellow Biquinho, it’s true..!)
Organic Hot Chocolate Nicotiana
We love these soft mocha blooms with sweet jasmine scent irresistible to hummingbirds as well as humxns. Hot Chocolate Nicotiana thrives in containers as well as garden soil, easy to grow and impressively drought tolerant, abundantly blooming even in mediocre soil.
Organic Volcano Mix Dianthus
Creating a carpet of luminescent petals swaying in the breeze, we swoon over these astonishing blooms & the pollinators do, too. Only 16 to 24 inches tall, Volcano Mix thrives in gardens and containers alike. And they’re edible!
Organic Crimson Topaz Apple Tree
“ooOOooooOooo! that sparkle!’ exclaimed Chelsey at our 2022 tasting! Indeed, Royal Crimson Topaz is one of our new favorite apples, resilient as well as delicious straight from the tree as well as in apple strudel, which is its Czech claim to fame, from which this gem hails.
Organic Crimson Gold Apple Tree
Hailing from the Czech Republic, Crimson Gold is fondly known as ‘Svatava,’ named for the river flowing between Germany and the Czech Republic. Once in the United States, Svatava was renamed Crimson Gold to celebrate its luminous glow. Crimson Gold has become as famous for its excellent resistance to Apple Scab disease as for its ability to hold in ideal storage for 6 to 8 months. Its unique aromatic sweetness and bright tart resonates with every crisp juicy bite.
Organic Heliodor Apple Tree
If you like Crispin and Goldrush, you’ll love the bright juicy sweetness of Heliodor! Another gem from the Czech Republic, Heliodor translates to ‘gift from the sun’ and is impressively resistant to Apple Scab and Powdery Mildew as well as delectable.
2023 Fruition Garden Store

Come visit the farm for Fruition’s Garden Store in spring, Friends! On weekends in April and May, between 10 & 2, we share organic seeds, gorgeous transplants, scoop-your-own compost and everything you need to fill your garden with abundance. We also share hands-on workshops, free u-pick daffodils (bring a vase!) and, if you’re dreaming of fruit for generations to come, don’t miss Fruition’s
2023 Fruit & Nut Tree Weekends at Garden Store
~ April 29th & 30th + May 6th & 7th between 10am to 2pm ~
You’ll find deliciously disease-resistant heirloom apples and pears, pawpaws, northern hardy cherries, peaches, plums, chestnuts, walnuts, mulberries and grapes as well as hands-on tree workshops each of those days, stay tuned and hooray! All our bare-root fruit and nut trees are first-come, first-served, so come early. Look for pricing, rootstock & deeper details by mid-February! We love to share what we love & look so forward to sharing our abundance with you ~

Sow what you love & love what you sow!
~ may the seeds we sow amplify abundance for generations to come ~
Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

with the care of the Fruition Crew