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Thank You, Friends: A Note of Appreciation Amid Transition

Thank you, Friends 🧡

For sharing your astonishment, your joy, your fears, your disappointment and your awe, commitment & encouragement with us:

We are feeling all the feelings, too.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, we can feel and appreciate all the waves, and please know:

We may not have answers to all your questions, but we do have oceans of seeds, and we are so honored to share them all as gifts for our ancestors, future generations & us all.

“Even as they grieved, they grew.”

~ Amanda Gorman

And Friends, never doubt: Though we will soon stop selling and shipping seeds, we will continue sharing seeds far and wide as gifts and community commons for many seasons to come.

There’s so much nuance, complexity, joy and heartache to share, and these stories will come with time…

…and did you see? There is much more shared on the blog already, and sign up for our email newsletter here to have these stories shared directly in your inbox, if you haven’t already 🌟

Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

image 7

and the Many Beings of Fruition

800 x 400 mermaid greens 2

12 thoughts on “Thank You, Friends: A Note of Appreciation Amid Transition

  1. Thank you so much for sharing the types of responses you’ve received and the gracious act of holding space for all of them. This is all amazing to behold. I’m rooting for you, am inspired by your journey, and hope to understand how you’re navigating moving forward.

    1. Hello Natalie, Your comment gave me a new perspective on the word “rooting” – support that helps the receiver ground into and grow deep roots for the current season. 🙏 I join you in rooting with Petra & Matthew 🌿

      Petra & Matthew, Thank you for being the most amazing stewards of the seeds. Big gratitude and big love 🌱☀️💦💚

  2. You are all alright right now. Loving you.

  3. Wishing you the best and brightest as you make this change. I will miss being able to buy seeds from you (just placed a farewell-thankyou order). I’m too far away to come to your seed sharing, so I’ll visit the local farmers in my area instead. Cheers to you, and may your future be even better than you imagine!

  4. Since we won’t have Fruition seeds in our garden next year, can you recommend a good source of organic, western New York acclimated seeds for then?
    And thanks for your helpful newsletters as well (I don’t really care for blogs).

    1. Hi Frank,
      If you live in the area, we will still be sharing seeds. Please stay tuned through our newsletter for dates we will be open for sharing seeds in 2025. If you are in the Rochester area I’m confident we will be attending several public gatherings to offer seeds there as well.

  5. I wish you all well, however I am still in panic mode. Your seeds work the best for me and my garden’s appreciate Fruition Seeds. Since I am not a local; the seed sharing really won’t work. Too far away. I also have no idea how to get seeds for beets and carrots. I will be placing a farewell order.
    All the best on your new journey.❤️
    You will be missed.

    1. Sue we will miss you as well. Thank you for all your care over the years. We would not be where we are without people like you.

  6. Wow, I’m always amazed and inspired by your bravery, passion, and joy. My mom and I continue to follow and share your work. Your transformation aligns with a belief in abundance that motivated me to help get the Buy Nothing group started in our area, and an ascetic value that has connected me with some of my best friends. Peace and love, K

  7. I’m always so moved by your real and tender sharing. Thank you. This is the way.

  8. I wish ya’ll the best. So sorry I wasn’t clued into this soon enough to place a farewell order. Love your seeds and so sad that I’m too far away(650 miles) for your gifting.Seems like our mild mountain Appalachian climate shares a lot with your area- cool long springs, hot humid summers and unpredictable fall weather. I will miss some of your tomatoes the most: Coyote,Summer Sweetheart and Brandy wise. Then you always had something unique that I just had to try out.

  9. Love your words of encouragement! And love those overalls lady!

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