Cornucopia Strawflower Mix

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3 to 4' tall 75 days to flower Bracteantha bracteata

HEIRLOOM Strawflowers are absolute magic, blooming like jewel-colored fireworks from early July and well past frost in fall. Easy to grow in any soil, strawflowers quickly grow 3+ feet with dozens of vivid blossoms per plant by season’s end.

Cut and dried, strawflowers bring you joy for years, retaining their color & shape with astonishing grace. For the longest-lasting strawflowers, harvest young blossoms when they are only 20% open. Strawflowers continue to open after harvest and if you harvest when they’re more open, they’ll dry into their less vivid seed-setting stage. Dry them in a warm place out of the direct sun, most of their leaves removed and upside down for straight stems before tucking them into inkwells, old mason jars, garlic braids and wreaths. We also dry them as individual heads to add delight to wrapped gifts like confetti, as our dear friend Kira taught us.

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Organic Cornucopia Strawflower Mix

When to sow (Transplant Only): Sow indoors 4-6 weeks before final frost.

Seed Depth: barely cover (needs light to germinate)
Days to Germination: 7-10 days at 70-75 F

Sowing & seedling care: At Fruition we sow in soil blocks, 2 seeds per cell. Mist to avoid covering seeds with displaced soil. Thin to 1 & transplant after danger of frost.

Full Sun      Plant spacing after thinning: 12 inches
Days to Flower: 75-85      Height: 3-4 feet

Harvest: Cut when 2-3 layers of petals have unfurled for best longevity. Harvesting increases yield.

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