Sweet Thai Basil

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20 days for baby leaf harvest 45 days to full size harvest Ocimum basilicum

HEIRLOOM We can’t imagine summer without the exquisite flavor of Thai basil. Versatile and delicious, Thai basil is easy to grow in both gardens and containers. We love how her deep purple square stems contrast brilliantly with forest green leaves and spires of lavender flowers, so we harvest Thai basil for bouquets as much as we do for supper! Just like basil and so many herbs, pluck your Thai basil’s flowers as soon as you see them emerge to encourage more leaf production and prolong her rich, exquisite flavor.

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Organic Thai Basil

Direct Seed (recommended): sow 2 seeds per inch, in rows 12-18″ apart. Thin to 8-12” apart & enjoy the thinnings (they are delicious).
Transplant: Indoors, sow 2 seeds per cell & thin (enjoy — yum!) to 1 per cell ~4 weeks before last frost.

Direct Sowing Date: After frost (late May – June in zone 5)
Seed Depth: 1/8 inch     Days to Germination: 5-10 days at 65-70°F

Transplanting Date: After last frost      Plant spacing: 8-12 inches
Days to Harvest: 45     Height: 20 inches

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