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Annual 60-70 days to flower Spilanthes oleracea

HEIRLOOM Fondly called ‘toothache plant,’ spilanthes has long accompanied humxns as an anti-inflammatory analgesic with abundant, cheerful mounds of verdant foliage & bright yellow flowers! We love to tincture spilanthes, though applying flowers both fresh and dry is our go-to.

Easy to grow, spilanthes is remarkably resilient in diverse soils and seasons, thriving the most in full sun, rich soil and average water.

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Organic Spilanthes

When to sow (Transplant only): Sow indoors ~4 weeks before last frost.

Seedling care: Sow 2 seeds per soil block/cell thinned to the strongest 1. Harden off seedlings (acclimate outdoors ~5 days) & transplant after frost. Mulch for reduced water & weed pressure.

Seed Depth: 1/8 inch
Days to Germination: 10 days at 70 F, 21 C
Full Sun      Plant spacing after thinning: 12 inches
Days to Harvest: 60-70 days to flower      Height: 18-24 inches

Harvest: Leaves & flowers have the greatest concentration of medicinal compounds.

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