Friends, rather than selling and shipping seeds, we now share seeds as an embodied gift practice. Learn how to receive seeds from us & here are our FAQs.
Fruit & Nut Tree pre-ordering is now closed, Friends!
If you’ve placed your pre-order, pick-up weekend will be April 27 & 28, 2024 (from 10-2pm)!
One of the easiest fruits to grow, Elderberry is deep, delicious medicine both as flower and fruit. Quickly growing 10+ tall, elderberries are phenomenal habitat for beneficial birds and pollinators. We see elderberries thriving in diverse soils and sun, tolerating more moisture than many other shrubs. We share three unique cultivars: ‘Marge’ hails from Europe sharing larger, sweeter and more medicinal than average fruit on second year wood. ‘Scotia’ is often 12+ feet with exceptionally large and sweet fruit. ‘York’ is large, prolific and the standard for elderberry production.
Please purchase trees & tree kits separately from non-tree items. Also on orders of 25+ trees, enjoy a 10% discount automatically applied to your cart!
✦ New for all Fruit & Nut orders: Pre-order online & pick up your trees on April 27 & 28, 2024 from 10-2 pm. It’s true, while we won’t be shipping any tree orders this year, please join us for tree order pick up during Fruition’s fun-filled Fruit & Nut Tree Weekend at the farm in Naples, NY!
Final day to order Fruit & Nut Trees is April 14th
Elderberry Transplant Instructions: Fruition’s Elderberries come potted. Allow your elderberry to root in the pot, keeping it well watered, until July then transplant in its final location.
Elderberry Growing Resources: Here is a guide to producing elderberries commercially in the Northeast that has some core info relevant for growing elderberries at any scale. Enjoy!
Fruit & Nut Growing Resources from Fruition & Beyond General Fruit & Nut Tree Growing: Fruition’s (Apple) Tree Growing Guide Apples: Elderberry: University of Vermont And Friends, please join us for future live Fruition Fruit Q&Q webinars here:
Fruition’s current online tree growing resources are focused on Apple Trees however Pears, Plums, Peaches, Apricots and Cherries require much the same site choice, planting, and basic care considerations.
Fruition’s Free Organic Orcharding Course
Fruition’s pre-recorded Fruit Q & Qs Webinar Library
New England Tree Fruit Management Guide
Cornell’s Guide to Growing Fruit at Home
Cornell’s Tree Fruit Resources
all books by the late Michael Phillips
All resources above and…
The Holistic Orchard and The Apple Grower are fabulous books by Michael Phillips.
A Grower’s Guide to Organic Apples from Cornell
Figs: Penn State Extension
Grapes: Cornell Cooperative Extension
Mulberry: Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association
Pawpaws: Cornell Cooperative Extension
Chinese Chestnut: Arnold Arboretum
Hazelnut: CornellForestConnect
Northern Hardy Pecan: Society of Ontario Nut Growers
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