Red Russian Kale

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8 days for microgreens harvest 25 days for baby greens harvest 50 days full harvest Brassica napus

HEIRLOOM If we could only grow one kale (an unfathomable notion!), Red Russian Kale would be the one. Her leaves are colorful and abundant at any size and are perfect for salads, soups and kale chips throughout the year. Overwintered in the field without row cover, our Red Russian kale is impressively well-adapted for both fall, winter and spring harvest here in the Northeast. And perhaps you’ve noticed: the sweetness of kale increases with cold and even freezing temperatures! We eat most of our full-size kale leaves from the snowy garden between November and May.

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Organic Red Russian Kale

Planting Method: Direct Sow or Transplant

To Direct Sow: Sow as soon as soil can be worked, and sow throughout the season. For full size leaves, sow 3-4 seeds every 12 inches, thinning to one. For baby leaves, sow 40 seeds per foot in a 2 inch wide band every 3 weeks for continual harvest.

For Transplanting (full size only): Indoors, sow 2 seeds per cell or soil block and thin to 1. Harden off and transplant around last frost, or in early fall.


Seed Depth: 1/8 inch     Sun Needs: Full/Part

Days to Germination: 3 at 70°F (21°C); 8 at 55°F (13°C)

Spacing (after thinning/transplanting): 12 inches; Rows 18 inches apart

Mulch to reduce weed & watering pressure.

Days to Harvest:  8 days to microgreen; 25 baby leaf; 50 full size

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