Circus Sweet Snacking Pepper

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58-65 days to lemon-lime fruit 70-80 days to red ripe 12-18" tall Capsicum annuum

Like vivid jewels, sweet Circus peppers are a serendipitous snack, tucked beneath the variegated foliage of impressively miniature plants — 12 to 18 inches! — packed with fruit, often 25+ per plant. Ripening from lemon-lime stripes through a rainbow of orange, Circus is fire engine red as a fully ripe pepper, crunchy and delightfully flavorful at every stage.

We laughed with Michael Mazourek as we made selections in his fields at Cornell many years ago, and what joy to share some of that delicious diversity and joy with you! We are humbled to remember and uplift untold generations of brilliant indigenous humxns co-adapting with peppers across time immemorial here on Turtle Island, as well. We ‘save’ these seeds to share with you and we hope you will, too! As well as (y)our great-great-great grandchildren ~

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Organic Circus Sweet Snacking Pepper

Planting Method: Transplant Only

When to sow:  8-10 weeks before last frost

Seed Depth:  1/4 inch    Days to Germination: 7-10 at 85°F

Sowing and seedling care: Sow indoors 2 seeds per soil block & thin to strongest 1. 80F heat mats will germinate seeds best; after germ, set to 70F days & 60F nights. Good light is essential: Younger, less stressed seedlings are healthier and more abundant than older, more stressed seedlings.

Move to 3-4” pots with first true leaves. Harden off (reduce water & temp 3-7 days) & transplant when night temps are above 50F. Pluck off any flowers at planting.

When to transplant: After last frost

Transplant Spacing:  12-18 inches    Sun Needs: Full

Days to Harvest: 58-65 days to lemon-lime fruit; 70-80 days to red ripe

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